Monday, March 23, 2015

blossom under the M32, Eastville

I've set myself a little mental health project because I feel as if I've been withering in the hard city environment of brick, metal and concrete and the dirty trafficy air of Bristol. I soo miss the soft rolling green hills of Devon and the gorgeous sea air of Falmouth. Every day this week (well almost) I have set myself the task of going to a park or green space in the city and doing a sketch, even if it's just for two minutes. The results are not important (luckily!), but this is  my favourite of the sketches I've done so far. It went through an ugly stage when I made a mess with my new ink-tense blue and pink sticks, but then I attacked it with a black marker pen and white acrylic paint and now I like it!


  1. Yay for cathartic art and for giving yourself the freedom to enjoy the process for its own sake. Such a good reminder. I really like it when something that I don't like at first is able to be reworked again and again until, in the end itbecomes something that I do like. It's sort of freeing to work on top of something with no expectations because you know you already don't like it . Ha ha. Thank you Emma!

    1. yes, hurrah for not liking our paintings, so freeing!
